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3D Data Visualization Workshop
In this workshop, we highlight various approaches and methodologies for visualizing 3D datasets.
Tutorials linked in the workshop:
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How to install and use Album - a tool for decentralized software use case sharing
Did someone share an Album solution or catalog with you and you have never heard of the tool? This tutorial will summarize what Album does, and how you can install and use it.
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Volume rendering with BigDataViewer tools
Learn how to render voxel-based volumetric data using BigDataViewer (BDV) and tools built on top of BDV.
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Volumetric Dataset Rendering in Python
A tutorial on python based tools for visualizing volumetric datasets in 3D, including napari, Pygfx, and VTK.
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Volumetric data rendering with Neuroglancer
Use case description of how to render voxel-based volumetric data using Neuroglancer and stream data locally or remotely for visualization.
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Converting Volumes to Meshes with VTK
This tutorial will guide you through converting 3D pixel datasets, such as labelmaps and masks, into 3D meshes using VTK.
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Rendering meshes in VTK
Learn how to render 3D meshes in VTK and get insights into the Python code behind it.
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Rendering in Blender
In this section, we will cover specific Blender features to help you create beautiful renderings from scientific datasets. Blender is a powerful tool for this purpose, but it has a steep learning curve, so we’ll break it down step-by-step.
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Cutting mesh structures in Blender
This brief tutorial showcases how to cut into mesh objects in Blender to highlight otherwise hidden features of the scene. This can be particularly valuable for complex renderings of scientific datasets.
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Choosing colors for scientific 3D renderings
In this short tutorial, I will share tips and tricks for choosing colors for scientific 3D renderings.