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Image Registration Workshop

Ella Bahry
Sep 24, 2024

What is Image Registration?

Spatial alignment of two or more images.

  • It’s an essential step for comparing or integrating data in many scientific fields.

Common needs in research






  • Microscopy: Aligning slices in a 3D stack, channels, runs, time points, tiles (stitching), and modalities.

  • Medical Imaging: Viewpoints, stacks, normalization to an atlas, co-registering images from different modalities (e.g., MRI, CT).

  • Earth Science: Georeferencing, integration from different sensors, aligning satellite images for change detection.

  • Material Science: Comparing material properties under varying conditions.

Image Transformation Types

Link to: example_notebooks/transformation_examples.ipynb

Image Interpolation - Reason

  • When we transform an image, we need to estimate pixel values at the new coordinates.
  • If for example, you transform an image by up-scaling it:

  • Interpolation is the process of estimating pixel values at non-integer coordinates.

Image Interpolation - Common Types

Image by Cmglee, license: CC BY-SA 4.0
Link to interpolation weights and examples notebook: example_notebooks/interpolation.ipynb

Image Interpolation Example

Image Interpolation - Anti-Aliasing in Down-Sampling

  • When down-sampling an image, aliasing artifacts can occur, thus applying anti-alising filters can help to reduce these artifacts.
  • But, anti-aliasing filters can also blur the image, so it’s a trade-off between sharpness and aliasing artifacts.

Integrated Image Registration Techniques

  • Intensity-Based Registration
    • Iterative process that optimizes aligned pixel intensity similarities (e.g. correlation coefficient or MSE).
  • Mutual Information-Based Registration
    • Iteratively aligns multimodal images by maximizing the statistical relationship between them.
  • Frequency Domain Methods
    • Transforms images into the Fourier space to compute alignment transformations.
  • Deep Learning-Based Registration
    • Uses neural networks to predict transformations from image data, learning complex patterns.

Technique: Intensity Based (Correlation Coefficient)

Technique: Mutual Information

Mutual Information iterations

  • Looking at the equation, the more structure we have in the joint histogram, the lower its entropy, and thus the mutual information is higher.

2 Step Techniques - Feature Detection & Transformation

two main steps:

  1. Detecting and matching similarities: identifying corresponding regions or features
    • Feature-Based Registration (SIFT, SURT, ORB, BRISK, FAST)
    • Segmentation-Based Registration
    • Model Fitting
    • Graph-Based Methods
  2. Estimating and applying transformations: Finding and applying the optimal transformation

Technique: Feature-Based Registration (SIFT)

  1. Detecting Similarities:
    • Feature Detection: Detect keypoints and their descriptors (e.g. using SIFT)
    • Feature Matching: Match features between images to select keypoints to use.
  2. Estimating and Applying Transformations: one image is transformed in space to match the other
    • Transformation Estimation: Compute transformation matrix (e.g. affine) using matched keypoints.
    • Warping: Apply transformation to align images.
sift keypoints and matches

Technique: Model Based (Pose Estimation)

  1. Predefined Feature Detection: e.g. pose estimation.
    • Manual selection of features
    • Annotation of training data
    • Deep learning landmark detection
      • Model selection
      • training
      • prediction of landmark locations on all images of the dataset
  2. Estimating and Applying Transformations using the detected landmarks.

wing landmarks modelwing landmarks model

Challenges & Considerations

  • Method Selection:
    • Match image type (e.g., multimodal) to appropriate method
  • Transformation Type:
    • Fit transformation to deformation (e.g., rigid vs. non-rigid)
  • Preprocessing:
    • Denoising, intensity correction, rescaling, applying filters
    • In hard cases - Use extrinsic information (e.g., physical landmarks)

Image Registration Guideline

Image Registration Guideline

Software Tools for Image Registration

  • Fiji/ImageJ
    • Popular plugins: Feature Extraction, Warpy (QPath), TrakEM2, Register Virtual Stack Slices
  • Python Libraries
    • OpenCV (C++), scikit-image
  • Elastix
    • ITKElastix (C++) is a powerful open-source tool (standalone or as a python package) for intensity-based registration.
  • DeepLabCut
    • Open-source deep learning based pose estimation and model based feature detection (and tracking).

Thank You!

Thanks for participating. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.


Presentation template: Deborah Schmidt - 3d Data Visualization Workshop